Meet an original fictional character: Rowan who writes Flareon's Journal This character is written as Pokémon who do human things as a kid, such as go to school, play music, and create art in our modern-day world. Enjoy this first just-for-fun fictional blogs.

May 7, 2024th

Hello, Pie!

The talent show is coming up. I've been practicinng my guitar like crazy. I think I'm almost READY TO ROCK!


May 1, 2024th

Hey Journal!

Journal needs name. Journal shall be named... PIE! Let's try again.

Hey, Pie!

Much better! So, getting close to summer break... 6 weeks left. School's easy, but *boring*. The teacher is a super strict disciplinarian that never lets me light things on fire. No fun. I like my Art teacher, Mr. Smeargle, but HR teach, Mr. Mime, is just not my homie. Our Music teacher, Mr. Exploud, is boisterous.

So, Larza told me to start a journal like her. Our friend, Akádia, is going to start one too. Yup. Anyway, hw. G2G.



Flareon's Picture Name: Rowan         Pronouns: He/Him
Type: Fire                 Pokémon: Flareon
Age: 9 years old      DOB: Feb. 25

Hobbies: drawing, playing guitar, lighting things on fire, cooking
Faves: orange(s), red, fire crackers, art, PIE!
Dislikes: water, cake (pie's arch-enemy), pink, polka-dots, Riverdale, cringe culture, and people that are always organized and punctual.
3 Wishes: pie, pie, and more pie!
On iPod: Nirvana, Disturbed, Korn, Pearl Jam, Puddle of Mudd, and other poggers artists.