Enjoy these mad libs. The more random the answers the funnier the outcome! Pyrolaurel and Flaminjava, our two fun-loving Flareon suggest playing with a group of friends!Flaminjava Pyrolaurel

The School of Hard Knocks

[secondary male protagonist name]: __________ I think we all need a little break. Why don't I just throw a little something together? Ah! There's nothing as satisfying as a cup of 100% [city name]__________ [liquid or beverage] __________. You kids are too young for this stuff but it's really quite good. How about some [new liquid or beverage] __________?

[main male protagonist name]: __________ I think I'll pass.

[female protagonist name]: __________ How about some [adjective] __________ [new liquid or beverage] __________?

[main male protag]: __________ You must be kidding.

[secondary male protag]: Not so fast, [main male protag] __________. I brought my official Pokémon [set or collection of something] __________. Now, of course, the key to good [same as previously mentioned liquid or beverage] __________ is good [something that is wet] __________, and I just happen to have a generous supply of [adjective] __________, [adjective] __________ [location] __________ pure [type of water] __________. And for the special snack, I have for you some [nationality] __________ [specific food] __________.

[female protag]: __________ I love [same nationality] __________ things. They're so [adjective] __________, aren't they? All that crunching and slurping is ruining my [adjective] __________ daydreams.

[secondary male protag]: __________ Ah, by the way...

[main male protag]: __________ & [female protag]: __________ Huh?

[secondary male protag]: __________ I can't cook [same specific food as before] __________ and I can't [verb] __________ water if I don't have a [element] __________! One of you is going to have to go into the forest and carry back some firewood.

[female protag]: __________ That's a [affirmative adverb] __________ excellent idea, [secondary male protag] __________, and I'm willing to sacrifice the [synonym for excitement] __________ of searching for firewood to stay here and keep you company.

[secondary male protag]: __________ Well, I guess that means that...

[main male protag]: Yeah, I'm going. Uh! Here, firewood. Here, firewood. No firewood here, Pikachu. Why do I have to do all the [creative adjective that means unclean] __________ --?