Summary: Ash is all by himself and decides to contact Misty's e-mail address after she sends him a message about a Marine Clean-up program she's in. Though, Ash has had, let's say, a crush on Misty since he first met her years ago, you can't help but wonder if Misty feels the same.
Through the computer, Ash and Misty talk to each other, sharing their fears and confidences. Ash begins to think that there can be something between them, but when he expresses to her that he's going to visit her gym one week in the summer, she has to break his heart.
Unlike other AAMR, "Online Love" exposes the seriousness of how people can become attached to each other without even seeing each other. It's a danger and a heart break, as Ash has learns this time, to never become involved with someone over the internet.
Ash awoke and rubbed his eyes. The clock read 8:30 AM. He got off of the top bunk and looked at Pikachu's bed. It was empty; Pikachu had already left to go see his friend, Blissey. Then, Ash searched the room for his hat and then realized he must have left it in the diner the night before.
I'll get it later." He said to himself and waltzed into the bathroom to take a shower, get dressed, et cetera. When he came out of the bathroom, he went to the hallway and stared at the computer screen. The screen saver was a Pokéball bouncing up and down. Ash watched it for a few seconds, then moved the mouse. The screen saver disappeared and the normal desktop of a Pokémon Center came up. Ash clicked on the icon for Pokénet and waited. A window appeared and he entered in "Ash Ketchum" under "Name" and "******"(pika99) under "password."
The screen blinked a few times and then said that there was two unread messages. Ash clicked on it and his inbox read that one message was from May and one from Misty.
"Yay! She wrote me back. Hehe..." Ash said to himself and with much giddiness he opened up Misty's letter.The e-mail read:
"Ash. Glad to hear back from you!
"I can't believe that Brock, May, and Max deserted you. I can't blame them, though. :) Just kidding.
"Anyway, since you aren't traveling together, then what are you doing? I'm sure I'll see Brock soon. Afterall, how could he come all the way back to Kanto and NOT say hello to me!?! I'd love to visit Hoenn again; it's really beautiful there, but the gym comes first and with this new Marine Clean-up, I'm swamped with responsibilities. But, the invitation is always open for you guys to visit me. Pass that on to May and Max as well.
"So, what town/city are you in now? Are you staying at a Pokémon Center or a friends house? Of course, it couldn't be a friend! Does Ash Ketchum have any friends? :) LOL Just kidding, Ash! I'm in a teasing mood today. I have a new friend here on the Clean-up team with me and we have a lot of fun teasing each other. Don't take it personal if I tease you, okay? "Well... I hate to say good-bye, but I'm short on time and have to get to bed soon. I've been working 12 hour days and I'm so tired. I have to get up early tomorrow, too, so I should get some rest. But, I'll talk to you soon. Feel free to get in touch with me and tell me any updates. I'd be interested to hear what kind of Pokémon you have.
"From the Cerulean Gym,
"Misty Waterflower."
Ash smiled to himself. Misty always has teased him, of course, but in this e-mail she was really razzing him.
"She obviously feels comfortable enough to tease me. That's a good sign." Ash thought to himself.
He clicked on an icon that said "Move To" and a list appeared underneath it. He clicked on "NEW FOLDER" and typed in "Misty's messages" in the appropriate space provided. Then, the next e-mail, the one from May, came up on the screen. Ash skimmed through the words; they obviously meant nothing to him. The only words he looked forward to were "his" Misty's words. He read May's message aloud in a rather monotonous tone and slouched in his chair, giving the appearance of totally not caring.
Pikachu walked into the room and jumped on the desk and stared at the screen. May's words meant nothing to Pikachu, either, but the reason for that was that words, in general, meant nothing to Pikachu.
"Blah, blah, blah. May, get to the point!" Ash said to the computer screen. The computer didn't flinch. Pikachu looked at Ash and the computer and then back to Ash, trying to figure out why humans obsessed so much with modern electronics.
"I have ballet class that I just signed up for and I can't cancel that so I'll have to say no to visiting Misty, plus Mom thinks I need to help her around the house more now that I'm home twenty-four seven, except for, of course, when I'm going to my ballet class and training my Pokémon." Ash read May's words and then took a big breath.
"Pika?" Pikachu asked, looking at the screen once again, still trying to uncover what was so spellbinding about the computer.
"Max is doing fine. He's in some geeky club or something. He says it's important and whatever. I still think it's geeky. How's Pikachu? I wish Max would come out of his room every once in a while and say hello, but no, he has to stay in there and study and read and I think he reads too much. I don't see how reading is sooo benificial. I mean, I just used a big word, benificial, and I never read. So, ha!" Ash continued to read May's seven page e-mail. He must have felt obligated to read the whole thing incase he missed something important.
"May? Your point?" Ash asked the lifeless screen again. Pikachu scratched his head and then jumped off of the computer desk and went to a cabinent next to it. He pulled out a jigsaw puzzle and started sorting the pieces out. Obviously, Pikachu already had his and Blissey's day planned out.
Ash finally came to the last sentence in May's pointless e-mail. "So, like I said, no go on a visit to Kanto, but I'll get back to you if my schedule changes and I can make it to see Misty. Okay, bye! Tell Pikachu I said, 'Hi!' Love, May." Ash finished reading her letter and clicked the delete icon and a white trash bin picture appeared on the screen and said, "One Message Has Been Deleted." Ash clicked the sign off icon and spun around in his chair to face Pikachu.
Pikachu didn't look up, but instead continued to arrange the puzzle pieces so that all the corners were found.
"Pikachu, May says, 'Hi.' Well, she said it about four times in that e-mail, incase you didn't hear." Ash grumbled to Pikachu, peturbed that May continually asked about Pikachu, but not him.
Pikachu looked up from the puzzled and gave Ash a look as if to say, "Why are you telling me this?" Then, Pikachu scampered downstairs to probably get Blissey to help him with the puzzle.
Ash followed Pikachu downstairs and left the building to go to the diner across the street. When Ash got inside he noticed his hat was sitting on the counter with a yellow sticky-note on it.
"Be More Careful About Your Belongings, Sonny!" was written on the sticky-note in black marker. Ash looked up to see the waitress that had served him the night before pouring up a cup of coffee.
"Hey, Sonny! You left your hat." She yelled to him.
He nodded and picked the hat up off the counter. "Thanks." He said and put it back on his head and turned to leave, wondering what was on his mind that he left his prized hat.
"Wait! You aren't a Pokémon trainer, by any chance?" The waitress said with her Southern accent. Ash nodded again and waited for her to continue. That was very unlike him; normally he would relish the chance to go on and on about how good of a trainer he was, but instead he just nodded.
"Well..." She said slowly, drawing out her words. "My employer here wants me to tell trainers that every fourth dinner you get here is free. It's some promotional thing he started doing today. Anyway, since you was just here last night, I figured I'd count that dinner towards your free one." She smiled.
"Oh, that sounds good." Ash thought about what he was going to get for the next four meals. "Can I still bring my Pikachu in here?" Ash decided to ask, since it seemed food was the only remedy for Pikachu's sourness.
"Sure, hon. He's welcomed to come in anytime. Such a cute little guy, he is." She smiled and picked up a tray of coffee mugs to give to customers.
Ash stood there for a second, unsure of himself, then left the diner and back to the Pokémon Center. When he walked back inside, he saw Nurse Joy talking to a trainer and his Linoone. Ash didn't want to bother her, so he slipped behind the counter without her noticing and found Pikachu and Blissey gabbing away as they twisted needles on syringes. Ash cleared his throat; Pikachu looked over at Ash and rolled his eyes.
"Pika. Pika-pi?" Pikachu asked Ash.
"I didn't mean to bother you, but I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk outside. I mean, we are in Rustboro and the streets are really nice and paved and I think we should get some exercise and--" Ash began to babble about nothing and Pikachu cut him off.
"Pika! Pika-pi!" Pikachu answered as if to say, "All right, I get it! Just shut up!" Blissey looked at Pikachu with disappointment in her eyes as he left to go outside with Ash.
"Thanks, Pikachu. I know you and Blissey were having a really good time, but I needed a friend to talk to." Ash started as they reached the cobblestone streets. Pikachu sighed, leaving his macho-punk self in the Pokémon Center. He would now become kind and caring because Ash needed that.
Pikachu motioned with his little paws for Ash to go on and continue with talking.
"I think she likes me, but I don't know what to say to her. How do I reply back to her? I just wish she were here right now..." Ash's voice drifted off. Pikachu stopped to sit on a bench. Ash sat down next to him and waited to hear Pikachu's good advice.
(I don't know how helpful Pikachu could be since he can't speak a word of any human language, but Pikachu does have a girlfriend, Blissey, so he must know a thing or two, right?) Pikachu fixed the fur on his head and sighed again.
"Pika-pi-pika-pika-pi." He said. Ash looked at him with bewilderment.
"Huh?" Ash asked. Then, it hit him.
"Why are you asking Pikachu for advice? He can't help you!" Ash's thoughts screamed.
"Well, who do I talk to? Brock?" Ash asked himself in his head.
"Doi! How do I know? I'm just a voice in your head! I can tell you that Brock won't be of any help, though." This alter-ego voice said to Ash.
"Umm, thanks, Pikachu. I'll take your advice." Ash voiced to Pikachu.
Pikachu nodded and rolled his eyes, knowing that Ash didn't listen to a word he said.
"Once I've replied, she'll have to tell me how she feels. I'll make sure that she'll have to." Ash said to himself. A sneaky grin stretched across his face.
Pikachu caught site of that sneaky smile of Ash's and could only shake his head. Pikachu jumped off of the bench and convinced Ash to follow.
The two of them continued to walk, enjoying the mild weather of the city. Ash passed by Trainer's School and took a peek in the windows. He spotted a classroom full of young eager trainers in training. On the chalk board was notes of the different battle status and information on Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Ash read the different subtitles. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and took a peak in the window, too. It was good to have Pikachu's old, caring self back. The moment seemed meaningful to Ash.
"Are you here to enroll in the school?" A female voice broke through Ash's peaceful thoughts and he jumped around to face the woman. She was tall with long, straight, black hair and thin-rimmed glasses. She smiled awkwardly at Ash, unsure if he was twelve or eighteen. Ash's young and startled face could only stare at the tall woman that had just asked him a question.
"Umm, umm, I, umm, I'm, umm, no?" Ash struggled to answer the woman.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't tell how old you are." She answered.
"I'm eighteen, Miss." Ash managed to get his thoughts straight. "I was just curious as to what goes on in there."
"Well, we teach children the fundamentals of becoming a Pokémon trainer." She cheerfully informed Ash.
"Oh, that's nice. I'm a Pokémon trainer." Ash decided to say, then started to introduce himself. "I'm Ash, by the way. This is Pikachu." Ash pointed to the little Pikachu on his shoulder. Pikachu grinned at the pretty lady.
"Interesting. Are you guys visiting Rustboro or just passing through?" She asked.
"Visiting, I guess, until I find out where to go next. There are several places I'd like to visit, but I'd like someone to travel with. The three people I was traveling with before left to visit home again, so I don't know if we'll regroup or not." Ash took a deep breath and smiled. "What was your name?" He instigated.
"Oh, sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Reika, Miss Reika. That's what the kids call me. I'm the teacher's aide, a volunteer at this school." Reika opened the door to the school and motioned for Ash to follow.
"Hmm, a volunteer..." Ash whispered as he followed Reika into the class room. "Misty loves when people get into volunteer work. Maybe I could stay in Rustboro and volunteer at this school." Ash thought. Once again, a sneaky smirk stretched over his face. Pikachu ignored Ash and jumped to the floor. The little mouse jumped onto an empty desk and sniffed at the crayons. He picked one up and started to draw on himself.
"What?" Reika asked.
Ash shook the thoughts from his head and resaid what she had missed. "I said, I, um, I'd like to volunteer. I mean, I'm a trainer and I know a lot about Pokémon. Do you accept new volunteers?" He asked, clearing his throat after each time his said the word "volunteer."
"Absolutely! We love when experienced trainers take the time to help our school out. What days would you like to come in?" Reika asked.
Reika walked around the room and introduced Ash to the students and showed him what his little jobs could be. Ash started to work right then and there. He actually enjoyed spending the time helping out; it felt good to give back to a community. Now, he could understand why Misty spent twelve hours a day helping her city out.
When school let out at two in the afternoon, Ash got his coat and hat and found Pikachu with red crayon all over his fur and sitting in a pile of erasers in a cubby. Even Pikachu enjoyed his first day of school!
"Ready to go get some food, buddy?" Ash asked the tattooed Pikachu. Pikachu was willing to go to the diner as long as he got French fries with his meal.
The late lunch went well. Pikachu and Ash got to bond and weren't thinking of their "girls" the whole time. But, when they arrived back inside the Pokémon Center, all of that changed. Ash raced upstairs and logged onto the computer and Pikachu went to find Blissey. And, the cruel cycle of life started over again--the attraction and the drooling, the impressing and the knee-bending. If only they could see how desperate they seemed! Ash had a good camouflage, though. Misty couldn't see him over the computer and therefore couldn't see how she had dominated every aspect of his life.
And then came the reply as Ash clicked on the "COMPOSE" toolbar and started to type a message back to Misty.